The Spanish Exporters and Investors Club has a Committee for Reflection on Internationalization in order to analyze and discuss the most important issues that affect the foreign activity of Spanish companies. The Committee for Reflection serves as a meeting point for the generation of ideas, the drafting of proposals, the support to the foreign sector and the creation of a favourable climate of opinion on internationalization.
Technical notes are prepared in the framework of the Committee, such as the Spanish Exporters and Investors Club.

Eva Ballesté Morillas
Club de ExportadoresPhD in Economics and Business Administration from UNED and Executive Master in Financial Management from IE Business School, she is a member of the Institute of Directors and Administrators of Spain (IC-A). She has more than 25 years of solid professional experience in Financial Management, Business Development and Operations in listed companies related to the transport, energy and infrastructure sectors such as Alstom, Endesa France, Grupo Puentes and in several companies of the Saudi Arabian group Amiantit. She has been a member of the Board of Directors of ADIF Alta Velocidad and AENA SME, S.A and Puertos del Estado. She has been advisor to the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda at the level of Deputy Director General until the creation of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Agenda where she has been incorporated in the same position. In the academic-institutional sphere, she is President of the Advisory Board of the School of Economic Intelligence of the Autonomous University of Madrid and Advisory Member of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Exporters and Investors Club. For more than a decade, she has been a lecturer at the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas and IE Business School in the disciplines of finance, financial statement analysis and economic control.

José Ramón Barañano
Club de ExportadoresDegree in Economics from the Complutense University of Madrid. Certificate of “Advanced European Studies” from the College of Europe in Bruges, specializing in economics, and diploma in Advanced International Studies from the Diplomatic School in Madrid. He entered the Diplomatic Career in 1978. He has been Economic and Commercial Counselor at the Spanish Embassies in Quito, Vienna and Rabat, as well as Deputy Director General of Bilateral Economic Relations and Director General of Fishing Resources. He has also been director of CESCE, DEFEX, MERCASA and CETARSA. His most recent postings abroad have been as Spanish Ambassador to Australia, Malaysia and India. Specialized in Asia-Pacific, he has spent almost 18 years accredited in 17 countries in the area. He is currently a director of Visalia and Vice President of TINA Energy Systems in Spain, and of Hydrogen Engine Center (HEC), in the United States.

Juan de Lucio
Club de ExportadoresJuan de Lucio is a Professor at the UAH, Echegaray program of excellence of the Community of Madrid. Extraordinary Doctorate Award from the UAH. He has worked as an economist at the Fundación de Estudios de Economía Aplicada (FEDEA), as director of the Research Service at the Spanish Chamber of Commerce, and as a Senior Economist at the Bank of Spain. He has been advisor to the National Institute of Statistics, president of the Madrid Association of Regional Science and secretary of the Spanish Association of International Economics and Finance. Specialized in the field of applied economics, in the field of regional and international economics, and in economic and business environment.

Carmen Díaz Mora
Club de ExportadoresProfessor of Applied Economics with extensive research experience in the field of international trade and Global Value Chains. She has been Visiting Research Fellow at the School of Economics of the University of Nottingham and at the Scuolad di Economia e Management of the Universita Degli Studi Firenze. She is editor-in-chief of the journal Applied Economic Analysis and member of the Advisory Board of the Foreign Trade Institute of Castilla-La Mancha and co-director of the Master in International Business at the University of Castilla-La Mancha. She has been President of the Board of Directors of the Asociación Libre de Economía (ALdE) and President of the Advisory Committee 8 (Economic and Business Sciences) of the National Commission of Research Activity of ANECA.

Enrique Fanjul
Club de ExportadoresPhD in Economics. Commercial technician and State economist. In the public administration, he has been economic and commercial advisor for Spain in Egypt, China, Canada and the Netherlands. In the private sector, he has been managing partner of ACE-Cooperación y Proyectos and director of Técnicas Reunidas. He is currently a founding partner and chairman of the Editorial Board of Iberglobal. In the academic-institutional field, he is a member of the Scientific Council of the Real Instituto Elcano, vice-president of Cátedra China and professor of the Master’s Degree in International Relations at the Universidad San Pablo-CEU. He was director of the Spanish Center for International Relations (CERI). He is Professor of Applied Economics (on leave of absence). He has written three books on China.

Enrique Feás
Club de ExportadoresSenior research associate at the Real Instituto Elcano, independent consultant, associate professor at IE University and columnist for the digital newspaper Vozpópuli. He is a Commercial technician and State economist, and has been economic and commercial counselor at the Spanish Embassies in the Philippines and Egypt, deputy director of Trade Policy with Mediterranean countries, Africa and the Middle East, advisor for International Affairs to the economic vice-president and Minister of Economy, deputy head of the Ministry’s Sub-Directorate of Foreign Sector Studies and deputy director of the Spanish Commercial Information magazines. He has also taught at the ESIC Business & Marketing School, the Center for Commercial Studies, the Diplomatic School, the Carlos V Center of the Autonomous University of Madrid and the Complutense University of Madrid. He is founder and co-editor of the NewDeal Blog, and is a regular contributor to various media outlets.

José Gasset
Club de ExportadoresDegree in Economics and Business Administration from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Commercial Technician and State economist. Technical Advisor in the Subdirection of Export Credit. Advisory member of the General Secretariat of the Presidency. Member advisor in the General Secretariat of Commerce and the General Directorate of Foreign Trade. Economic and Financial Advisor at REPER. Member Advisor for Financial and Monetary Matters and the creation of the EURO in the General Directorate of the Treasury. International General Director of the Instituto de Crédito Oficial. Chairman of ICO. Chairman and CEO of Compañía Española de Financiación del Desarrollo, COFIDES, S.A. Director of International Institutional Relations at Iberdrola and, currently, Advisor to the Board of Directors of Club de Exportadores e Inversores Españoles.

Tomás González Pérez
Club de ExportadoresBorn in 1962, is an Industrial Engineer from the Escuela Superior de Ingenieros Industriales de Bilbao, and Senior Executive from IESE-ISE. Since 1997 he has held the position of Director of International Expansion of IDOM, S.A.U., a company of which he is a Partner and Member of the Executive Committee. He is fluent in Spanish, Basque, English and communicates well in French and Portuguese. Since 2000 he has worked as a collaborating Professor in several Spanish Universities (Basque Country, Murcia and Navarra) in Post-Graduate Programs. He is a regular speaker at economic forums on internationalization issues. Prior to joining IDOM, he held various management positions in the fields of Investment and Internationalization at SPRI, S.A., a company dependent on the Basque Government, and at Roland Berger S.A. Consultancy.

Miguel Iraburu Elizondo
Club de ExportadoresIndustrial engineer and MBA (PDG) from IESE. Extensive international experience both in the field of multinational management and in the development of organic business and through acquisitions. He has been CEO of ITT-Automotive España, general manager of Alcatel Business Systems España, executive chairman of Alstom España, general manager of Auna Operadores de Telecomunicaciones (Amena, Retevisión, Cable), chairman of the board of directors of Davinci and chairman of the board of directors of Azkoyen, among other positions. He is currently a member of several boards of directors and advisory boards in the fields of telecommunications, digital platforms, sw and commercial law firms. He is also managing partner of Eurohold (investment banking). He collaborates with national and international funds in local and international investments, mainly in energy, IT, digital, telecommunications and infrastructure projects and companies. He is a member of the Board of Directors of Círculo de Empresarios, Institución Futuro and advisor to the Club de Exportadores e Inversores.

Silvia Iranzo Gutiérrez
Club de ExportadoresPhD in Economics and Business. Commercial technician and State economist. Professor of Economics at CUNEF and IEB. Independent director of Indra and chairwoman of its Sustainability Committee. Independent advisor of Instituto de Crédito Oficial. Member of the Plenary of the Spanish Court of Arbitration of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce and member of the jury of the Princess of Asturias Award for Social Sciences. She has been Secretary of State for Trade, Spanish Ambassador to Belgium, President of ICEX, Invest in Spain and Spanish Commercial Information. She has also been an independent director of Tecnocom and director of Cesce, Telefónica International and Banco Exterior UK, among other companies. Author of the book Delving into Country-Risk and more than forty articles on economics, trade and international finance.

Pablo López Gil
Club de ExportadoresGeneral Director of the Leading Brands of Spain Forum since November 2018. Previously, he was Deputy Director General and Director of Communications of the Forum itself since 2006, after returning from Chicago, where he worked at the Economic and Commercial Office of Spain as an ICEX intern. He has been working for more than 15 years in the field of internationalisation, intangible asset management and country branding. He holds a degree in Information Sciences from the University of Santiago de Compostela, a Master in International Relations from the Ortega y Gasset Foundation and an Executive MBA from IE Business School. Pablo has been a member of ‘The Cotec 100’ and is currently a member of the Scientific Council of the Elcano Royal Institute. He is a regular contributor to the media and to training programmes at the Complutense University of Madrid and EDEM Business School, among others.

Antonio Oporto del Olmo
Club de ExportadoresIndependent Director of the European Investment Bank and Talgo. PhD in Economics and Business Administration. Commercial technician and State economist. In the public sector, he has held several positions in the Ministry of Economics and Finance and has been a director of INI (SEPI’s predecessor). In the private sector, he has been the Chairman of Alstom España, among other positions. He has also been a member of the Advisory Council on Energy and Transport of the European Commission, Secretary General of the Círculo de Empresarios, Executive Director of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and member of the Board of Directors of Talgo, Eolia, Dragados/ACS and Aresbank. He is also currently an operating partner at Trilantic Private Equity, senior advisor at Finalbion and professor at CUNEF.

José Manuel Reyero García
Club de ExportadoresDegree in Economics. Commercial technician and State economist. He has been general director of Services of the Ministry of Commerce and Tourism and the Ministry of Economy, first general director of INFE (National Institute for the Promotion of Exports), executive vice-president of ICEX and creator of Promomadrid. He has also been an official of the European Commission in Brussels, responsible for export financing policies with official support, in the Directorate General for External Relations. He has been economic and commercial advisor of Spain in Belgrade, Rabat and Algiers, and first head of the Commercial Office of Spain in Miami. In the private sector, he has worked in a group of companies in the Jerez framework and then in Banco Santander as director of the Trade and Export Finance department. After his retirement in 2013, he has been a consultant in World Bank programs. He is currently an independent advisor to the Instituto de Crédito Oficial.

Manuel Valencia Alonso
Club de ExportadoresHe holds a degree in Law and a Diploma in Advanced International Studies. He belongs to the Diplomatic Career. In the public sector, he has been Commercial Counselor, Director of the Promotion Center of ICEX in the Netherlands, General Director of International Economic Relations and Ambassador of Spain in China. He has also been a member of the Board of Directors of Initec, Focoex, Cofides and Construcción Aeronáuticas. In the private sector, he is Vice President of Técnicas Reunidas International. He has been a member of the Advisory Board of Abertis Madrid and ACE International Consultants, and a member of the Board of Directors of Iberpistas, and General Secretary of Técnicas Reunidas Internacional. In the institutional sphere, he has been Vice-Chairman of the Club de Exportadores e Inversores Españoles, trustee of the Instituto de Cuestiones Internacionales y Política Exterior (Incipe) and trustee of the Spain-China, Spain-USA and Spain-India Council Foundations. He is also a trustee of the Spain-China, Spain-USA and Spain-India Foundations.