XVI Internationalization Awards
XVI Awards for the Internationalization of the Spanish Exporters and Investors Club, which fell to Talgo, González Byass and Cesce.
XVI Awards for the Internationalization of the Spanish Exporters and Investors Club, which fell to Talgo, González Byass and Cesce.
Interview with Carlos Palacio, president of Talgo.
Interview with Fernando Salazar, president of Cesce.
Interview with Leandro Rebuelta, Board member of González Byass.
XV Awards for the Internationalization of the Spanish Exporters and Investors Club, which fell to Ingeteam, Arpa, Luis Cacho (in memorian) and to the ICEX Internationalization Scholarship Program.
Interview with Teresa Madariaga, president of Ingeteam.
Interview with Francisco Javier Garzón, CEO of ICEX.
Interview with Clara Arpa, CEO of Arpa.
Video commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Spanish Exporters and Investors Club.
Video summary of the commemorative day of the club’s 20th anniversary, held on June 9, 2017.
Hearing with His Majesty the King and the Board of Directors of the Club.
Video commemorating the 10th anniversary of the collaboration agreement between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation and the Spanish Exporters and Investors Club.
XIV Awards for Internationzaliation of the Spanish Exporters and Investors Club, which fell to Freixenet, Inclam Group and the Inter-American Development Bank.
Videos: Report
Interview with José Luis Bonet, president of Freixenet.
Interview with José Juan Ruiz, chief economist of the Interamerican Development Bank.
Interview with Alfonso Andrés, president of Inclam Group.
Speech by Jaime García-Legaz, Secretary of State for Commerce.
Organized by the Exporters and Investors Club, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and the Düsseldorf Fair, the 2016 Save Food Congress celebrated on Monday September 26 at the Ateneo de Madrid.
What is the Spanish Exporters and Investors Club? What activities does it develop? What companies are part of it? We answer these questions through the testimony of our associates.
Testimony of Héctor Ara, president of Suan Farma.
Testimony of Ana Rubio, Director of Institutional Relations and Corporate Social Responsibility of Maxam.
Testimony of Jesús Alonso, president of Grupo Daniel Alonso
Testimony of Rafael Ruiz-Villar, president of Ayudexport and Platform of Social Projects.
The Spanish Exporters and Investors Club delivered the XIII Internationalization Awards on November 19, 2015, which fell to the Eulen Group, the Daniel Alonso Group, RTVE’s “Emprende” program and the State’s commercial technician Rafael Aguilar
Interview with Balbino Prieto
Interview with Jaime García-Legaz
Video summary of the III Internationalization Summit
Inauguration of the III Internationalization Summit
Video summary of the results of the study of internationalization of Spanish companies
Challenges for the internationalization of SMEs
Large internationalized companies
The Spanish Exporters and Investors Club delivered on October 9, 2014 the XII Internationalization Awards, which went to Gestamp, Alibérico, the Elcano Royal Institute and the Leading Brands of Spain Forum.
Interview with Balbino Prieto
Interview with Jaime García-Legaz
Interview with Jaime García-Legaz
Interview with Carlos Espinosa de los Monteros
The Spanish Exporters and Investors Club delivered on November 28, 2013, the XI Awards for Internationalization, which fell to Maxam, Eptisa, the Efe agency and the European Commissioner Antonio Tajani.
Interview with Balbino Prieto
Interview with Antonio Tajani
Interview with Jaime García-Legaz
Interview with Antonio Tajani
The Spanish Exporters and Investors Club organized together with ICEX the first edition of the Global Forum Spain, under the slogan “Spain: of stability to growth”. The day was celebrated on March 3, 2014 in Bilbao.
Is Europe on the path to sustainable economic growth?
Financing SMEs. Challenges and role in the European recovery
Stability and growth in the eurozone economy
The competitiveness of the European economy in a global world